“Can’t say ‘success’ without ‘Suh!’“ – Brian E., 9th grade

Professional Summary

Science educator and coach passionate about developing student agency through inquiry and problem-solving projects. I enjoy working collaboratively to adapt lesson plans for diverse student needs across disciplines and classrooms. I specialize in biology & physiology, data science, and socio-emotional learning (SEL). I am enthusiastic about creating welcoming learning environments for all students in a variety of classroom and nontraditional contexts. Visit Teaching to see my lessons and classroom.


(Abraham) Lincoln High School (San Francisco, CA)
Biotechnology/Biology Teacher (July 2023 - present)

  • Courses: NGSS Biology (9th), Introduction to Biotechnology 1 & 2

  • Updated lapsed 2-year biotechnology career pathway program with coursework and connections to industry internships and research opportunities.

Exploratorium Leadership Fellow (San Francisco, CA)
Leader Fellow and Community Facilitator (June 2023 - present)

  • Design and facilitate professional learning experiences for educators.

  • Lead monthly facilitative communities of early career teachers and mentors engaged in building equitable science teaching practices and building professional network capacity.

  • Nurture leaders’ professional identities as leaders for equitable science education by strengthening science teaching practices rooted in equity, cultivating resources, and building professional networks.

EdReports.org (Boulder, CO)
Content Reviewer, Science Curriculum Content (April 2023 - present)

  • Collaborate with a national network of skilled educators to review K-12 science instructional materials for independent, credible, evidence-rich instructional materials aligned with NGSS.

  • Review instructional materials and submit written evidence using EdReports tools and Evidence Guides.

  • Present evidence, calibrate, and reach consensus in weekly calls with facilitator, writer, reviewers, and EdReports staff; respond to publisher/developer feedback using followup evidence.

City Arts & Leadership Academy (formerly Leadership High School) (San Francisco, CA)
Biology Teacher & Advisor (June 2020 - March 2023)

  • Courses Taught: Biology (10th), Advisory, Gender-Sexuality Alliance, Calligraphy

  • Created and taught blended learning experiences for 80+ learners with diverse needs (including English Language Learners, high performing learners, and learners with IEP or 504s) at independent Title I school.

  • Applied performance assessments, student feedback, and data collection to iterate culturally-relevant, student-driven curriculum for NGSS biology, SEL, career exploration, and college readiness. 

  • Led grade-level Advisory teacher team to align family-connected programming that produced highest annual wellness scores in school.

  • Served on committee that established and funded a 3-year wellness program initiative with on-site social worker.

OpenStax (Rice University)
Textbook Consultant (June 2020 - September 2020)

  • Revised biology and physiology curriculum for diversity and gender-inclusion.

  • Created detailed guidelines and review instruments for identifying opportunities for increasing equity and inclusivity in existing college textbooks.

Science Teacher (April 2020 – June 2020)

  • Created and taught course on critical thinking, identifying and using relevant evidence to support an explanation, and evaluating the relevance, reliability, and integrity of the data used for an analysis.

  • Maintained consistent and prompt communication with home guardians about student strengths, areas of improvement and further challenge, and corresponded to maintain engagement in graphical data analysis.

  • 5-star reviews.

Gender-Inclusive Biology
Co-Founder (June 2019 – present)

  • Created website & co-wrote resources, lesson plans, and guides to provide gender-inclusive biology curriculum and support for students, educators, and guardians.

  • Wrote articles and textbook chapters providing guidance for using biology to create a diversity inclusive space.

  • Presented PD workshops to support educators, administrators, and pre-service teachers. (Selected list of workshops below)

  • Spoke in interviews and gave consulting advice in response to teacher questions.

San Francisco Unified School District (San Francisco, CA)
Teacher, The Academy – SF @ McAteer (June 2017 - June 2019)

  • Courses Taught: 9/10 NGSS Biology; 11/12 Physiology; 11/12 Art

  • Created & implemented problem-based, NGSS-aligned curriculum with authentic, project-based tasks for diverse, high-needs population.

  • Served on Community Steering Committee to advise on curricular planning and budgetary decisions.

  • Supervised & advised weekly activities for student-led Dungeons & Dragons Club.

  • Applied positive and restorative classroom management strategies to foster a respectful and self-driven learning environment for 150+ students.

San Francisco Teacher Residency (San Francisco, CA)
Teaching Resident,
San Francisco International High School (Fall 2016)
The Academy – SF @ McAteer (Physics, Spring 2017)

  • Collaborated w/ faculty & staff to create differentiated groupwork-based curriculum for ELL newcomer– & SIFE–classified students.

  • Course taught: 9/10 Biology (0.5yr), 9 Physics (0.5yr)

Freelance Editor (January 2012 – July 2018)

  • Advised and coached clients in scholarly and professional writing and preparing manuscript for publication.

  • Developed structure, goals, and premise of manuscripts and articles.

  • Edited manuscripts and articles for clarity, style, and marketability.

Oxford University Press (New York, NY)
Associate Editor (January 2011 – April 2014)

  • Identified market segments and developed products for the academic law program.

  • Managed full-cycle implementation among teams to consistently achieve a 4 to 9 month book production cycle that included digital & online products.

  • Translated specialized academic concepts into general audience marketing copy.

  • Presented 20+ proposals per year at a >95% approval rate to both a cross-functional committee and an international board of leading scholars.

  • Negotiated and drafted complex publishing agreements.

Peabody Museum Press, Harvard University (Cambridge, MA)
Publications Intern (March 2009 – August 2009)

  • Collaborated with author to research and write manuscript for an award-winning photo-illustrated book.

  • Drafted marketing copy, exhibition materials, and press releases as part of a three-person team.

Viacom, Inc. (New York, NY)
Corporate Legal Intern (Summer 2008)

  • Developed compliance criteria for fair use while evaluating 5000+ pages of web content.

  • Compiled departmental educational manual on multi-state successor liability in M&A transactions.

  • Commented on directors and officers insurance policy and long-term lease for major film production location.

Ropes & Gray, LLP (Boston, MA)
Paralegal Intern (Summer 2005)

  • Drafted corporate by-laws, researched Massachusetts laws, filed corporate organization documents, assembled closing binders and minute books, and organized fund documents for investors.

  • Led a team of four paralegal interns to prepare documents for various corporate transactions.


Stanford University Graduate School of Education (Stanford, CA)
MA in Education (June 2016-June 2017)

  • Developed & led PD seminar workshops for adapting lesson plans to UDL principles.

  • Single-subject Teaching Credential, Secondary School (Biology) with English Language Learner & Civics/Government Authorization

  • Coached 7th graders in troubleshooting project prototypes within an iterative design thinking (IDEO) curriculum at Columbia Middle School in Sunnyvale, CA.

Boston University School of Law (Boston, MA)
JD (2007 – 2011)

  • Publications: “Harmonizing Virtual Property in International Treaties” 17 B.U. J. Sci. & Tech. L. 101 (2011)

  • Activities: Journal of Science and Technology Law, 3L Editor

  • Legislative Policy and Drafting Clinic – “NIH Public Access Policy Reform” (Fall 2008)

Harvard University (Cambridge, MA)
AB cum laude (2003 – 2007)

  • Concentrations: Human Evolutionary Biology and Archaeology; Spanish language citation

  • Senior Thesis: “Inequalities in Diet and Health During the Intensification of Agriculture in Neolithic China

  • Thomas T. Hoopes Prize (annual award for best senior research theses)


(*peer reviewed)


  • National Science Teachers Association (NSTA)

  • National Association of Biology Teachers (NABT)

  • Stanford Teacher Education Program (STEP)

  • Northwest Teaching for Social Justice (NWTSJ)

  • Gender Spectrum Professionals’ Conference

  • inquiryHub Biology

  • Oregon State University (OSU)

  • Multnomah Education Service District (Multnomah ESD, Oregon)

  • Kansas Association of Biology Teachers (KABT)

  • Alexandria City Public Schools (VA)

  • Colorado Alliance for Environmental Education (CAEE)

  • New Haven Public Schools (CT)

  • Connecticut State Education Resource Center (CTSERC)

  • San Francisco State University (SFSU)

  • Science Educators for Equity, Diversity, and Social Justice (SEEDS)

Suh, R. (forthcoming Summer 2023) Inclusive Biology Evolves with Students (working title). Science for the People 26:1.

Suh, R. & Blake, C. (in review) Position Paper: Growing a Gender-Inclusive Biology Curriculum. Journal of Research in Science Teaching (Special Issue)

Suh, R. & Steller, L. (2022, November 5). Gender-Inclusive Adaptations to Biology & Science Teaching. Stanford Teacher Education Program Alumni Conference (November 5, 2022), virtual conference.

Suh, R. (2022, October 21). Guest blog: Four approaches to inclusive biology in the classroom. Journal of Integrative and Comparative Biology Blog.

Suh, R. (2022, October 14). Guest blog: science as compassion. Journal of Integrative and Comparative Biology Blog.

*Long, S., Steller, L., & Suh, R. (2021) Gender-Inclusive Biology: A framework in action. The Science Teacher - National Science Teaching Association, September/October 2021.

*Long, S., Steller, L., Suh, R., Butler, K., and Slattery, K. (2021) How do we present gender, sex, and sexuality as part of inclusive and accurate science teaching? (STEM Teaching Tools Practice Brief #76), University of Washington Institute for Science + Math Education, June 2021.

Long, S., Maday-Travis, L., & Suh, R. (2021) Gender Diversity in the Biology Curriculum [conference session], National Science Teachers Association National Conference on Science Education (Engage: Spring21, 4/12 - 5/8), virtual conference.

Long, S., Maday-Travis, L., & Suh, R. (2021) Gender Diversity in the Biology Curriculum [conference workshop], Science Educators for Equity Diversity and Social Justice (SEEDS January 28-February 1, 2021), virtual conference.

Long, S., Maday-Travis, L., & Suh, R. (2020) Growing a Gender-Inclusive Biology Curriculum [Conference session], National Science Teachers Association National Conference on Science Education (Science: Expanding the Vision 4/2-4/5), Boston, MA, United States. (Conference cancelled).

Suh, R. (2020) Ways to Address Gender- and Sexuality-Based Teasing in Schools. WeAreTeachers.com, June 23, 2020.

Suh, R. (2020) Gender-Inclusive NGSS Biology & Adaptations [workshop session]. Center for Science and Mathematics Education STEM Teacher Symposium (Equity & The STEM Classroom 3/7), San Francisco, CA, US.

Suh, R. (2020) Talking to Kids About Science In a Gender-Inclusive Way: four common questions and ways to respond. WeAreTeachers.com, February 14, 2020.

*Gong, J.Z. (2011) Harmonizing Virtual Property in International Treaties. Boston University Journal of Science & Technology Law, 17 (Winter), 101.



Clear California Single Subject Teaching Credential (Biological Sciences, Pre-K – adult) (2019-2029)

  • Authorized to teach Biological Sciences in grades twelve and below, including preschool, and in classes organized primarily for adults.

Clear California English Language Learner Authorization (Biological Sciences, Pre-K – adult) (2019-2029)

  • Authorized to provide instructional services in Biological Sciences to English learners

    • English language development defined as instruction designed specifically for limited-English-proficient students to develop their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in English

    • Specially-designed content instruction delivered in English defined as instruction in a subject area, delivered in English, that is specially designed to meet the needs of limited-English-proficient students.

Clear California Civics/Government Authorization (Pre-K – adult) (2019-2029)

  • Authorized to teach courses in the specific subject or subjects listed in departmentalized classes in grades preschool and K-12 or in classes organized primarily for adults.


Exploratorium Teacher Institute (San Francisco, CA)
Leader Fellow (2023 – present)

  • Coached 1-on-1 early career (3-4 years) science teachers in instructional strategies, analyzing and using student data to plan curriculum, inquiry-based labs, assessment, pacing, and other reflective coaching topics.

  • Co-facilitated a 5-person monthly online group of early career science teachers by building community online, sharing resources for collecting authentic phenomena, maintaining teaching capacity to prevent burnout, and adapting curriculum for three-dimensional learning and NGSS.

  • Co-developed and facilitated a professional development workshop to help science teachers design classrooms for universal design learning, student belonging, and deep learning. (agenda & slides)

Science Educators for Equity, Diversity, and Social Justice (Boulder, CO)
Reviewer, OpenSciEd Curricular Revision Team (July 2023); SEEDS-OpenSciEd 2023 grant awardee.

BSCS Science Learning (Denver, CO)
Professional Development Leader, Biology: Understanding for Life PDL Institute

  • Trained to support high school biology teachers as they learn and implement BSCS Biology: Understanding For Life (BSCS Science Learning's NGSS-designed full year biology course), using 3D phenomena-based teaching, professional learning facilitation, and anchored inquiry learning for adult learners.

University of Colorado - Boulder (Boulder, CO)
Pre-Service Teacher Mentor, LGBT Pre-service Teacher Mentoring Program (2022-2023)

  • Supported candidate through monthly check-ins, networking, and reflective coaching

Exploratorium Summer Teacher Institute (San Francisco, CA)
Alumnus (2017-2019)

  • Developed student-driven, hands-on investigations of natural phenomena.

  • Created small, low-cost, classroom-scale Exploratorium exhibits in machine shop.

  • Competed in “Iron Science Teacher: String” episode (7/10/18) for an entry modeling biotensegrity & structural diversity within the human body to a live preK–adult audience. (watch episode here)

Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Center (online)
Contributor (8/31/20).

  • Part of video panel about healing and identity featured on Queer & Asian Identities, a part of the Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Center's educational webinar series, "We are not a stereotype: Breaking down Asian Pacific American bias."

Disrupt Education (online) by Peter Howstrawser, with Sam Long.
Interviewee (Podcast Interview 12/11/19)

  • Spoke about the need for diverse and accurate gender-inclusive biology curriculum, how it benefits all students, and how it looks in practice (click here for transcript)

Harvard Summer School (Cambridge, MA)
Secondary School Program Resident Proctor (Summer 2009)

  • Led and organized student activities.

  • Advised and mentored 30+ high school students in a dormitory setting.

Harvard College Summit for Young Leaders in China (HSYLC) (Shanghai, China)
Seminar Leader, Fudan University site (Summer 2007)

  • Designed and taught seminars at a 400+ student summit sponsored by the Goldman Sachs Foundation.

  • Trained and mentored top Chinese high school students in writing and debate, and translated spoken Mandarin daily.


  • Language: Mandarin and Shanghainese (native), Spanish (fluent; 10+ years of study).

  • Teacher Training: CASEL (Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning), YPAR (Youth Participatory Action Research, IDEO, NGSS, UDL (Universal Design for Learning), 5E, New Schools Project-Based Learning, BSCS: Understanding for Life Anchored Inquiry Learning

  • Mentoring: early-career teachers, pre-service graduate student teaching candidates, high school students, law students

  • Digital Experience: HTML, CSS, Photoshop, InDesign, PearDeck, Schoology, PowerSchool, GSuite

  • Arts: photographer, watercolor painter, and Classical pianist.

    95.3 FM WHRB (Cambridge, MA)
    Classical Music Radio Announcer (2004 – 2007)

    • Produced and hosted weekly radio shows.

    • Created daily classical music programming.

    Tuesday Magazine (Cambridge, MA)
    Editor, Webmaster, Art Board (2004 – 2007)

    • Curated literary and art pieces for award-winning quarterly collegiate publication with 6400+ print circulation.

    • Created magazine’s online presence and website.

    SEX, ETC. @ Network for Family Life Education, Rutgers University (New Brunswick, NJ)

    Contributing Writer and Editorial Intern (2001-2003)

    • Researched, proposed, and wrote sex education and health articles for a nationwide youth audience (10-21yo), distributed in nationwide sex education curriculum newsletters and published on MTV as part of national campaigns for teen health.

    • Answered nationwide hotline questions about sexual health, relationships, and drug use.