Aggregate Moleskines
Oompah, it's been quite a busy year so far, with a publishing job, museum work, a visit to Paris, and law school. All that left not enough time to scan moleskine pages. I did find some time today, so here is a smattering from between March and now. I am so behind on my scanning that since I last posted, I filled up an entire book and started a new one! A lot of these were efforts at exploring other artists' styles, and where they were copies I shall endeavour to note them as such. I would, however, appreciate any reminders in the event that I have missed one.
Entirely mine:
(Above, some people I saw on the T. I loved the man's nose!)
(Above, James Hacker, portrayed by Paul Eddington in Yes, Minister)
(Above, one of my original characters, Adelice Kalani)
(Above, don't know why this scanned so badly, but it's the Seine.)
Entirely others':
(Above, from JLA Shogun of Steel)
(Above, from Lackadaisy)
(Above, from Lackadaisy)
(Above left, Doctor Who in Charles Schulz style. Above right, from Nextwave)
Some of mine, some of others':
(Above left, from Lackadaisy)